Nov 6, 2010

November Finnish tradition: Fathers' Day - Isänpäivä


Isänpäivä on juhlapäivä, jota vietetään isien kunniaksi ja muistoksi. Suomessa isänpäivää vietetään marraskuun toisena sunnuntaina. Isänpäivä on liputuspäivä.
Isänpäivänä isälle annetaan lahjoja. Lapset askartelevat usein kerhossa, päiväkodissa tai koulussa isälle kortin ja antavat joko itse tekemänsä tai kaupasta ostamansa lahjan. Isälle leivotaan myös usein kakku ja hänelle tarjotaan juhlapäivällinen.

Fathers' Day

On Fathers’ Day we celebrate and honour our fathers and their memory.  Fathers’ Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in November and it is a flag day.
On Fathers’ Day we give presents to our fathers. Children often make cards or little presents in day care or school or buy them in shops. It is customary to make a cake for Dad and offer him a festive dinner either at home or in a restaurant.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In Italy we celebrate fathers on the 19th of March. It coincides with Saint Joseph's feast.

  3. In Spain we celebrate Father's day as in Italy the 19th of March.

  4. I knew that the day is not same in every country, but I didn´t know when you are selebrating it. Intresting!!
