Mar 7, 2011

Finnish game: Kirkonrotta - Church Mouse

Church mouse

We are going to teach you a game called  the Church mouse.

First all the players run to the tree.  The last one, who touches the tree, is the pupil (Demi) who´s searching the others.
Demi counts to 50. Then Demi goes to try to find the others.

If Demi finds someone she has to run to the tree and shout the pupils name and rat like this: ”Selena-rat seen!”. Then ”Selena” has to come close to the tree and wait for a saver.

Demi goes to look for other pupils.
Then another player can come to save ”Selena”.
You can save many persons at the same time.
The saver has to shout: ”Save all!”.

If the pupil wants to save only her self, she has to touch the tree and shout: ”Safe!”.
But if someone has been seen and no one saves him/her, she/he is the searcher for the next round. 

One round ends when Demi has found all the players or  all the players are safe.
The same searcher  continues only three rounds.

The third round is ”the death round”.
In ”the death round” the first pupil, who has been seen is the searcher for next round.
The next round starts immediately.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun game and we have a similar in Sweden called hide and seek. ( Kurragömma med dunk).And therewe alsohave someone whoshall free the others..
