Mar 1, 2011

EARTH from Italy

Working around Earth
Two classes have worked around the element EARTH:
- Class 2a B has made individual drawings on “Earth’s Seasons”;
- Class 2a D has worked in groups of four on their well known “Environments of Sicily”.
The topics are related to the Curricular Plan of Science and Geography.
Children have been:
- involved in observation and conversation activities to enrich their knowledge;
- stimulated to describe seasons’ and environments’ aspects and to talk about their experiences and their sensations;
- encouraged to draw what they know and what they feel;
- taught how to use and how to apply different textures on their art work.
We have used tempera paint mixed with sand and sawdust, but also relief materials like seeds, pasta, sawdust, pieces of sponge cloth, canvas and padding, toilet paper, rough carton, bark, sugar and salt to feel different visual and tactile sensations.


  1. Nice to see your good job with earth! Interesting to see that you even worked with the seasons at the same time...
