Il Corpus Domini
Il Corpus Domini (espressione latina che significa Corpo del Signore) è una delle principali solennità della Chiesa Cattolica che celebra il mistero dell’Eucaristia e chiude il ciclo delle feste dopo Pasqua.
Nella ricorrenza, in molti paesi e città, si svolgono solenni processioni in cui viene mostrata pubblicamente e solennemente l’Eucaristia ai fedeli.
Nel nostro paese si usa erigere degli altari lungo le vie della processione e abbellire i balconi con i più bei capi di corredo.
Mentre passa il Corpus Domini, la gente getta petali di rose dalle finestre e dai balconi.
Da qualche anno, davanti alla Chiesa Madre viene realizzata l’infiorata: tappeti colorati costituiti da elementi vegetali e floreali che riproducono motivi religiosi.
The Corpus Domini (Latin expression that means Christ’s Body) is one of the main
occasions within the Catholic Church which celebrates the mystery of the Eucharist and concludes the Easter feasts cycles.
Religious processions are held in many cities and towns, to show the Eucharist to the faithful.
In our town it is traditional to build altars along the procession route and to embellish the balconies with the best bed and table linen.
While the Corpus Domini passes people throw rose petals from the windows and balconies.
For some years now, in front of the Mother Church, the infiorata is made, multicoloured carpets made of flowers and parts of plants which reproduce religious motifs.
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May 30, 2011
June tradition in Barrafranca (ITALY): Il Corpus Domini
The third game from Sweden
click on the link to watch the movie
Instructions how to play:
Rules for Brennball
Playing time
2x12 minutes (note: when there is still time left, after the last ball has been played a very last batsman can be brought into action)
are not allowed
Points for the batting side
1 point for every run;
6 points for a home run
Points for the fielding side
1 point for a batsman who is out, he returns to the first field base.
1 point for every ball caught before hitting the ground (when the ball is valid).
5 points when no batsman is left over, plus the points for the batsmen still running. All batsmen return to the batting plate.
Maximum 10 per team, among them at least three of every sex. 8 on the field, among them at least two of every sex. Substitution after permission by the umpire only. Players are only allowed to take part in one team in a tournament.
Number of blows
Maximum two tries. Only one blow, if the first one is valid. A second try can be taken, when the first one was unvalid. At the beginning of every half time two batsmen are allowed to start running from the first field base without batting.
Unvalid blow
When the ball was not hit. When the ball was hit over the head. When the ball hits the ground before the batting line. When the ball hits the ground outside the batting sector or was caught there. When the batsman does not have one foot on the batter's plate, while he is hitting the ball. When the hand is not in the loop of the bat.
Playing for time, dangerous or unfair playing
First time: - warning; second time - 5 penalty points; third time - 10 penalty points; fourth time - disqualification, the opponent wins 20:0
Players who are out
A batsman is out, if he a) starts running too early, b) takes a short cut or c) has not crossed the field base, after the ball has returned to the catcher (chest counts). He/she returns to the first field base. The next batsman can, but does not have to wait until this player has returned to the first field base. The next batsman has to continue, when he is told to do so by the umpire. If he does not follow the umpire's command, it will be considered as playing for time.
The catcher has to stand on the catcher's plate, when the batsman is doing his blow. While the ball is in the game, he is allowed to move as much as he likes. When he gets the ball back, he has to have one part of his body on the catcher's plate and has to have the ball under his full comand (then he has to shout: "brennt").
Players of the fielding side
No player of the fielding side is allowed to stay between the batting line and the batter's plate.
The organisor of the tournament is responsible for the umpire and his assistents. Only his decision is valid. In group games the team which is not playing has to support the assistent when it is asked to do so by the umpire.
Bats are provided by the organisator. Other bats are not allowed. Careless handling with the bat will be considered as dangerous playing.
In a qualifying contest games can end in a draw. The team with the most points on the batting side wins in its group. If they are the same, the winner will be decided by drawing lots.
A protest against a game should be made to the umpire directly after the end of the game. One player of each team has to follow the umpire to the secretary office.
These rules are the IKSU-rules, which are applied in the world championship.
Brennball- homepage in English
Brännbolls hemsida på svenska
Brennball homepage en español
Brennball Homepage auf Deutsch
Schülerladen- Schülertreffpunkt e.V.
May 25, 2011
Air from Sweden
We have worked with the element Air with our 6-year old pupils.
First we talked about air for example -Can you see it? -Can it take place? -What is it good for and so on. After that we did some experiments with water and air and the students were very interested and found it fun. At last we did a mobile with things that we can found in air for example clouds, birds, butterflies, aeroplanes . We used different kinds of material.
Kerstin Svensson and Anette Normark and our pupils..:-))
May 24, 2011
Comenius week video from Frederic Godàs School
May 21, 2011
May 15, 2011
Art from Kerava: Air
We have link the air topic to Science and involved children of class 2 B.
The conversation has been about the main characteristics of air and the fact that it is around us, it doesn’t stay still but it is constantly moving and has the power to move things.
Our children have created a funny mobile.
At first they have penciled around the outline of their hand and then cut on the pencil line.
Then they have drawn, coloured and decorated funny faces in both sides of the hand.
At the end all the hands hang on two metal cloths-hanger in the school corridor.
Italian traditional game: "U sciusciuni"
Il gioco viene fatto con le carte delle figurine.
Di norma si gioca in due.
Prima di iniziare il gioco i giocatori scelgono pari o dispari indicando ciascuno con le dita un numero tra 0 a 5.
Se la somma delle dita dà un numero pari, il giocatore che aveva scelto pari inizia il gioco, se la somma delle dita è dispari inizia il giocatore che aveva scelto dispari.
Ciascun giocatore, poi, mette in palio lo stesso numero di figurine che a gruppo vengono poggiate su un tavolo o a terra con la faccia rivolta verso il basso.
Il gioco consiste nel rivoltare una o più carte soffiando a turno.
Le carte rivoltate rappresentano la vincita del giocatore.
Il gioco finisce quando terminano le carte messe in palio.
The game is played with cards generally with two players.
Before the players begin the game they start calling either odds or evens. They throw out a single hand and show a certain numbers of fingers (from zero to five).
If adding the fingers the result is an even number, the player who called evens starts the game. If the fingers add to an odd number, then the player who called odds starts the game.
Then each player put the same number of cards in a pile face down on the table or on the floor.
The game consists in turning over one or more cards by blowing on them during each turn.
The turned cards are the player’s winnings.
When there are no more cards to blow the game finishes.
May 9, 2011
May 8, 2011
May 2, 2011
The legend of the changed saint (Barrafranca)
La leggenda del santo cambiato
Tanto tempo fa Santo Rocco era il santo patrono di Barrafranca e Sant’Alessandro era il patrono di Pietraperzia.
Si dice che c’era una festa, durante la quale, le statue dei due santi si incontravano in una chiesa a metà strada fra i due paesi.
Gli abitanti di Barrafranca si accorsero che Sant’Alessandro era più miracoloso di Santo Rocco, così decisero di cambiare il loro patrono.
E coll’inganno, alla fine della festa, riuscirono a scambiare le statue nascoste da teli.
Gli abitanti di Barrafranca lasciarono la statua di Santo Rocco nella chiesa e portarono a Barrafranca quella di Sant’Alessandro.
Nonostante la sostituzione tutti rimasero legati al loro precedente patrono.
Così ancora oggi per la festa di Santo Rocco gli abitanti di Barrafranca si recano a Pietraperzia e altrettanto fanno gli abitanti di Pietraperzia per la festa di Sant’Alessandro.
May tradition in Barrafranca (Italy): Saint Alexander
Saint Alexander
Saint Alexander, Pope and Martyr, is the patron of Barrafranca.
On the 3rd of May (feast day) the statue of the Saint is carried in procession and taken to the outskirts of the town, just in front of the lands, where it makes three passes to bless the growing wheat so to have a good crop in June.
Particular are the interlaced ears of wheat, situated on the back of the chair where the saint sits, which reveals the rural derivation of the feast.
People used to bring to the Church, as votive offerings, bread reproducing the parts of the body recovered by an illness.
Sant’Alessandro papa e martire è il patrono di Barrafranca.
Il 3 maggio la statua del santo viene portata in processione fino ai limiti del paese, di fronte alle campagne, dove compie tre corse, per benedire il grano che sta crescendo e assicurare a giugno un buon raccolto.
Sono particolari le spighe intrecciate, poste sulla spalliera della sedia dove il santo è seduto, che rivelano la derivazione agricola della festa.
Le persone usano portare in chiesa, come ex-voto, pani a forma di parti del corpo che sono state guarite da una malattia.