Mar 28, 2011

April's tradition in Sweden

Alicia with Easter preparation

April is the fourth month of the year. It has 30 days. In school we talk about the Easter and have arts and crafts related to the Easter.
Natalie, Eric and Oliver waiting for footexamination..

The first day of April is the day when you get to fool your friends. Our teacher fooled us and told us to take of our socks because the school nurse was going to examine our feets. But of course it was all just a joke.

Walpurgis Night bonfire in Sweden

In April the spring begins in Sweden. The snow melts and the sun stays up longer every day. The 30th of April is the traditional spring festival Walpurgis Night, Valborgsmässoafton in Swedish. We celebrate this day and night by lighting up big fires all over the country and singing traditional songs to welcome the spring

Easter eggs filled with sweets

Easter eggs or spring eggs is an old tradition to celebrate Easter or springtime. In many families we decorate our eggs before eating a lot of them. ;-) A modern custom is to fill big decorated cardboard eggs with sweets. These eggs are often hidden by their parents or the Easter bunny for the children to find on Easter morning. .

Pictures about Boden

The 4th level students have been working about Boden.
Enjoy their productions.

Mar 26, 2011


After working the dossier about Wilhelm Peterson Berger, our 3rd grade students have made these drawings.


After working the dossier of Barrafranca, here you can see the drawings of our 5th grade students.
Frederic Godàs School.

Mar 7, 2011

Finnish game: Kirkonrotta - Church Mouse

Church mouse

We are going to teach you a game called  the Church mouse.

First all the players run to the tree.  The last one, who touches the tree, is the pupil (Demi) who´s searching the others.
Demi counts to 50. Then Demi goes to try to find the others.

If Demi finds someone she has to run to the tree and shout the pupils name and rat like this: ”Selena-rat seen!”. Then ”Selena” has to come close to the tree and wait for a saver.

Demi goes to look for other pupils.
Then another player can come to save ”Selena”.
You can save many persons at the same time.
The saver has to shout: ”Save all!”.

If the pupil wants to save only her self, she has to touch the tree and shout: ”Safe!”.
But if someone has been seen and no one saves him/her, she/he is the searcher for the next round. 

One round ends when Demi has found all the players or  all the players are safe.
The same searcher  continues only three rounds.

The third round is ”the death round”.
In ”the death round” the first pupil, who has been seen is the searcher for next round.
The next round starts immediately.

Mar 4, 2011

March tradition from Finland: Palmusunnuntai - Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

When Jesus rode to Jerusalem people threw palm leaves on the road to cheer him. Later it became a tradition to take palm leaves  to  church to be blessed  there. Palms don’t grow in Finland but we use twigs of pussy willow  to symbolize  palm leaves.

Children decorate these twigs with e.g.  feathers and silk paper roses.  In Orthodox churches  the twigs are blessed the night before Palm Sunday .  On Palm Suday morning  children dress up in neat clothes and go to their relatives and godparents to whisk them with the decorated twigs to wish them good luck  and health in their lives. The twigs are saved until next Palm Sunday.  Traditionally, children  didn’t get a reward or a treat for this until on Easter Sunday. This was originally the tradition in Eastern part of  Finland.

In Western Finland it was believed that ugly witches fly on their broomsticks on Easter Saturday night. Today these two traditions are mixed and nowadays children dress up  as little witches and go from house to house asking for a permission to whisk  people with their decorated twigs for good luck. While doing this, they recite a  rhyme in which they wish good luck and health for the forthcoming year and ask for a treat for themselves. They are usually treated with  chocolate eggs or coins right away, not a week later as was customary before.

The  rhyme children recite:

Virvon varvon                                                     I whisk you
Tuoreeks, terveeks                                            fresh and healthy
Tulevaks vuodeks.                                            For the forthcoming year
Vitsa sulle,                                                          You’ll get the twig
Palkka mulle.                                                      I’ll get the treat.

Mar 3, 2011

Hiekkatyöt - Sand art from Kerava


Kuudennen luokan hiekkatyön aiheena on maa kohtaa maan. Kuvasimme maahan kohdistuvaa uhkaa. Kaksi erilaista hiekkapintaa lähestyy toisiaan. Värit ovat uhkaavia. Hiekkapintojen muodot luovat vastakkaista asetelmaa.

Alkusi keskustelimme aiheesta. Ideoimme, mistä voisi olla kysymys. Etsimme sopivia sommitelmia. Sitten piirsimme aineen. Levitimme liimaa kahdelle pinnalle ja liimasimme hiekan kiinni. Seuraavana päivänä maalasimme pinnat.

Sand art

The theme of the work is “earth meets earth” by 6th graders. We pictured the threat towards the Earth. In this work two different sandy surfaces approach each other. The colours are threatening. The shapes of the sandy areas are opposing.

 First we talked about the topic to get some ideas what this could be about. We searched for suitable compositions. Next we outlined the  threatening  substance by pencils. We spread glue on the two surfaces and fixed the sand on it. The following day we painted the surface.

Mar 2, 2011

Pictures to Bellinis music from Sweden

Our 9-10 year old students has listen to the musician Bellini with their teacher Viveca.
Then they has paint down the pictures that come up in their head when they listened.
Some of the students wrote down their thoughts on the bottom of the painting.


Art productions from Sweden.

Carina has worked with the Earth-theme with our 7 and 8year-old students.
Their inspiration were the swedish artist Karin Mamma Andersson. look at the link.
They talked about her work and what her pictures symbolizes. She often paints trees and water. Then Carina twalked about what they can see from a window. She presented different materials for the kids such as; sand, rice, tinfoil, cardboard, yarn, sugar and rice. This is the result!

Mar 1, 2011

EARTH from Italy

Working around Earth
Two classes have worked around the element EARTH:
- Class 2a B has made individual drawings on “Earth’s Seasons”;
- Class 2a D has worked in groups of four on their well known “Environments of Sicily”.
The topics are related to the Curricular Plan of Science and Geography.
Children have been:
- involved in observation and conversation activities to enrich their knowledge;
- stimulated to describe seasons’ and environments’ aspects and to talk about their experiences and their sensations;
- encouraged to draw what they know and what they feel;
- taught how to use and how to apply different textures on their art work.
We have used tempera paint mixed with sand and sawdust, but also relief materials like seeds, pasta, sawdust, pieces of sponge cloth, canvas and padding, toilet paper, rough carton, bark, sugar and salt to feel different visual and tactile sensations.

Earth is home: from Spain

Here you have our Earth Productions! Enjoy them!